Áiseanna na hÓige CTR.
About Us:
Áiseanna na hÓige is a Family Support Centre and Early Years Facility serving West Kerry. A wide range of childcare services are provided in the centre.
The overall management of the facility is the responsibility of Coiste Áiseanna na hÓige Teo; a voluntary committee, founded in 2000 to cater for childcare needs in Dingle. The committee own the Áiseanna na hÓige building and is registered as a company with charitable status.
At present Coiste Áiseanna na hÓige provides a TUSLA registered, not-for-profit School Aged Childcare- Afterschool programme for local primary school children which facilitates transport and a healthy balanced meal (this meal service is extended to all children in the building).
As well as this, we provide family support services and employ a family support worker on a part-time basis with support from TUSLA. We provide both formal and informal support to families, including support through the MEITHEAL framework.
We are delighted to share our centre with two other excellent childcare providers. See our partners:
Tá Áiseanna na nÓige lonnaithe i mBaile Seirbhís Gaeltachta Dhaingean Uí Chúis agus tá béim faoi leith againn ar úsáid na Gaeilge mar theanga laethúil.
Mol An Óige provide educational programmes for each age group. Children can stay for morning, afternoon and after-school sessions. Mol An Óige also provide ECCE (free pre-school) places.
Opening hours 8am- 5.30pm
Providing a wide variety of services including:
- Full day care 9am-5.30pm
- Breakfast club 8am-9am
- Morning session 9am-1pm
- Montessori (Free Pre-school)
- 9am-12pm Pre-school
- 12pm-5pm After- school
- Afternoon session 1pm-5pm
Naíonra an Daingin is operated by Comhar Naíonraí na Gaeltachta- A national service providing early years care throughout the Gaeltacht regions.
The service is play based, through Irish and delivered in a safe, welcoming, happy and supportive environment.
For more information visit Comhar Naíonraí na Gaeltachta Website

Company limited by Guarantee and not having a share capital.
- Company Registered Number: 360276
- CHY Number: 15428
- Registered Charity Number: 20053192
Board of Directors for Áiseanna na Hóige:
- Seamus Cosaí Mac Gearailt- Director
- Seosamh Ó beaglaoi- Director
- Seosamh Téiri- Director
- Irene Ní Flannúra- Secterary